The field of work and organizational psychology has generated a unified line of research in which the concept of work is viewed as a basic individual and social category. Our research activities center on developing an understanding of efficient actions at work, while simultaneously considering human oriented, quality of work criteria, such as safety and practicality of the work tasks and work environment, opportunities provided for social interactions, and opportunities provided for individual growth. Of special interest are the cognitive and regulatory prerequisites of efficient/effective actions in the work place, and the cognitive consequences resulting from such actions.
Our research deals with real world, socially relevant problems and issues. We attempt to investiqate and understand each phenomenon through the use of both theory and empirical design and testing.
For our department, an orientation toward the international scientific community is especially important. Our research questions, theory development, and subject populations of interest are all internationally oriented. In addition, we publish our scientific results in international periodicals and present them in international meetings. We feel a responsibility to continue developing common research plans and research concepts inside the European Community. Finally, problems with "cross-cultural management" and the application of work and organizational psychology in developing countries are addressed.
Our students are educated according to the "scientist practitioner model", in other words, their training and work reflect both scientific practice and practical work/field experience. Courses taught in the department are connected with application-relevant research projects. This balance of research and practice provides students with both the opportunity to obtain theoretical knowledge and also to realize the practical implications of such theory. The teaching/research projects, through which the students confront practical and work related problems, together with scientific and theoretical questions, are therefore particularly important.
We feel responsible for enhancing the professionalism of the practice of work and organizational psychology through education and further training. It is important to us that our scientific work should produce practical results which can be readily applied to the work of practitioners in the field. Finally, professional work and organizational psychologists should be further trained.
Prof. Frese has left University of Giessen to work at University of Lueneburg and National University of Singapore.
You can still download his articles under the link below.
Focus on opportunities as a mediator of the relationships between business owners' age and venture growth
Journal of Business Venturing
Die Paradoxie des Innovation Championings: Wenn Handeln und Kontext im Widerspruch stehen
September 2009
6. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der DGPs, Wien